At SAB Capital, we are experts in providing specially
tailored sale leaseback solutions for companies and professional investors from all backgrounds.
SAB’s veteran team of advisors forges tailored sale leaseback solutions for companies and investors on a broad spectrum. We offer guidance and logistical support in sale leaseback transactions, debt and equity placement, and asset acquisition for clients funding growth initiatives or reinvesting in core infrastructure. Our professional oversight empowers businesses and investors to formulate sound investment strategies and financial roadmaps geared towards longevity and stability. Our commitment and on-the-ground experience in unique and disparate sectors allow us to draw competitive offers and structure advantageous deals for all our clients.
According to Green Street’s Commercial Property Price Index, US commercial properties appreciated on average 4.50% per year over the last 20 years. Therefore, a $5M investment in a property ownership in 2003 should be worth about $11.6M today. If that $5M investment could have been monetized for $11.6M in 2003, how could I have invested that capital to drive the revenue and increase the profitability of the company’s core product or service?
Concept: A solution for a company that makes a product and/or provides a service to access capital in non-revenue generating assets (land + buildings) by selling the company’s land + buildings to an investor, who instantly leases the facility back to the company.
Result: In exchange for paying rent, the company receives:
->A lump sum cash payment
->A lease that maintains the company’s possession and operating control over the facility
SAB’s Sale Leaseback Group has raised financing for product and service companies with retail, industrial, office, and medical properties spanning the entire credit spectrum with billions of dollars in revenue to $15M in revenue. Below are representative transactions detailing the process and use of proceeds.
Lafayette, INDry Powder2020$5,100,000Private 1031 (Universal)
St. Louis, MOExpansion Financing$3,200,000Private Fund (Controlled)
TexasAcquisition Financing$7,000,000Private Fund (Controlled)
Tampa, FLAcquisition Financing$7,000,000Private Fund (Controlled)
Cedar Grove, NJM&A Process$33,000,000Private Fund (Controlled)
La Crosse, WICapEx$60,000,000Private Fund (Controlled)
Somerville, NJAcquisition Financing$8,900,000Private Fund (Controlled)
Des Moines, IAAcquisition Financing$7,200,000Private Fund (Controlled)
SoutheastR&D CapEx + Corporate Debt Refinance2020$20,000,000Private Fund (Controlled)
Atlanta, GA MSAMulti-Site Expansion$4,000,000Family Office (Controlled)
Houston, TXRefinance Corp Debt$7,750,000Int'l Private Fund
Northeast & Mid-AtlanticCorporate Debt Refinance2020$122,509,009Private Capital (Universal)
Winston-Salem, NCM&A Process$4,500,000Private REIT (Universal)
MidwestLeasehold Improvements$25,000,000Private Capital (Universal)
Dallas - Fort Worth MSACorporate Debt Refinance2019$6,200,000Net Lease REIT (Controlled)
New EnglandLeasehold Improvements$3,000,000Private Capital (Universal)